February 8, 2019 – Schenectady, NY – As the oncology EHR featured in the “Treating Pediatric Cancer” use case, EndoSoft® showcased the interoperability of its solutions at the HIMSS19 Interoperability Showcase at Booth #9100. The use case examines the workflow of a pediatric neuroblastoma diagnosis and how truly interoperable solutions can make significant advancements in patient treatment and care.
From the initial visit to cystoscopy reporting, imaging, and PET scans, EndoVault® provides a complete oncology EHR solution. The system ensures seamless inbound and outbound interoperability, maintaining a single, comprehensive patient record that ensures the highest possible patient care throughout the treatment process. Once the oncologist encounter is finished, EndoVault® further streamlines data transmission by pushing the clinical oncology treatment plan & summary (COTPS) & chemotherapy protocol into Epic®.
EndoSoft® will showcase EndoVault®, Qlinical®, and its latest multi-specialty solution, ImageArk®, at Booth #1009. ImageArk® supports CPOE Diagnostic Imaging standards (170.315(a)(3)) with integrated enterprise image management, reducing clicks by enabling seamless image and video capture within existing EHR workflows, including Epic®, via API integration. It allows healthcare providers to record, modify, and access images across multiple sites, featuring a built-in DICOM viewer and XDS.b-i & XDS.i IHE certification for integration with most major VNA and PACS systems.
Stop by Booth #1009 to experience all EndoSoft® has to offer, including ImageArk®, Qlinical®, and EndoVault®.
About EndoSoft®
With over 50,000 clinical users worldwide and 20+ years of expertise, EndoSoft® has achieved a leadership position & a global reputation for excellence and quality. EndoSoft® offers EndoVault®, an EHR comprised of a multitude of specialty clinical modules to meet nearly every clinician’s needs, including gastroenterology, ENT, OB/GYN, pathology, orthopedics, cardiology, pain management, pulmonology, oncology, and urology. EndoVault® is the most advanced EHR on the market today, boasting Meaningful Use certification and extensive migration capabilities from all legacy systems.
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