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How Analytics Can Help You Predict the Future

Two medical professionals discussing while looking at a laptop in a bright office.

As a super star psychologist always says “The best predictor of future behavior is relevant past behavior.” Recognizing that behavior, however, can be the most difficult part. Most applications have archived data but processing those spreadsheets to be anything more than notes on a paper can be time consuming and frustrating. This information, however, really does hold the key to your future and is well worth the time, here are a few key ways to turn the daunting task into an informative masterpiece.

Wrangle Your Objective

Your application most likely houses infinite data points from average patient weight to patient recall, but what information will actually help you moving forward is what needs to be realized and focused on. Once you’ve wrangled your relevant objectives, effectively analyzing data is within reach!

What Can Your Software Do For You?

Every application varies in versatility, however applications like EndoVault® come with pre-built reports and custom reporting options that can be harnessed with a few quick clicks. Knowing what your application has to offer may seem obvious but you’d be surprised how many applications go underused, especially in the analytics arena.

 All Text Should Be Free

Well, maybe not all of it, let’s face it, data is entered into the systems in a variety of ways and being able to report on all of them is crucial. Be sure the reports you are pulling can include free text and ensure no important data is excluded.

 Analyze It

Now that you have all those numbers arranged into reports, it’s time to analyze. Look for trends over the past 6 months, 1 year, 2 years and beyond. What’s changed, why has it changed and how can similar changes be positive for the future? If you notice a decrease in patient retention, for example, consider analyzing your wait times, increasing efficiency in small places can have large cumulative effects.

Moving Forward

After finding your weak points, it’s time to fix them! Naturally every issue has a varying solution but many stem from the same core problem, your tools. It may be that your application doesn’t have a module for your particular issues or your staff isn’t trained on an aspects offered by your application fully. Finding a software application that comes with lots of training, continued support and the flexibility to address your needs is key!

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