EndoVault® Oncology
EndoVault® Oncology is a first-of-its-kind EHR designed specifically for oncologists to plan, manage, and monitor patient treatments in a single application. Unsurpassed in its comprehensive and broad scope of content, EndoVault® Oncology offers all of the aspects of a practice management, consultation and report writing software, along with modules for initial consultations, cancer staging, chemotherapy, chemotherapy order sets, radiation therapy, palliative care, and recall management.
Complete Solution
With EndoVault® Oncology, physicians have the ability to plan and execute every facet of a patient’s treatment. From lab tracking and imaging to documenting diagnosis and treatment planning, EndoVault® Oncology is a comprehensive resource for oncologists and their support teams.
Chemotherapy Module
The integrated chemotherapy module provides physicians with the tools necessary to effectively assess and manage each patient’s chemotherapy treatment protocol. The application promotes an analytical and evaluative approach to patient care, allowing providers to administer chemotherapy and to critically assess, plan, and implement individualized care.
Seamless Integration
EndoVault® Oncology is seamlessly integrated with all other standard features of the renowned EndoVault® EHR, which includes consent management, e-prescription, laboratory, radiology orders, results tracking, a provider dashboard with a daily composite schedule, and patient summary reports.
Customized Workflow for Every Facility
With the breadth of EndoVault® Oncology, the program meets and exceeds the needs of most oncology practices and hospital departments. Modules can be customized or designed to meet the requirements and demands of your hospital or practice. The EndoSoft® team will work with you to ensure your program has everything you require to treat and care for your patients.
Learn More About Our Features And Functionality
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Provider Dashboard
The customizable EndoVault® Oncology provider dashboard gives physicians an overall view of their day. From the dashboard they can see their schedule, pending laboratory/pathology/radiology results, order tracking, recalls, tasks, messages, prescription refill requests, and unsigned consults & procedure reports in real-time.
Decision Support
EndoVault Oncology® contains powerful tools where providers can setup customized parameters for decision support. Based on these parameters, the system is able to recommend things like dose ranges, reductions, and maximum dose thresholds. It also provides real-time access to clinical guidelines.
EndoVault offers a fully customizable pedigree tool which allows providers to illustrate a family’s genetic information (genogram) in the form of an easy-to-read chart. Based on the standardized pedigree nomenclature developed by the National Society of Genetic Counselors, pedigrees are illustrated in a standardized set of symbols. Genetic traits associated with specific cancer types, gene mutations, and risk factors can also be notated, and data can be maintained for patients as well as outside candidates (family members).
An integrated messaging system allows providers to communicate electronically internally and externally with other providers, staff, patients, pharmacists, and others. The messaging feature is conveniently located on the provider dashboard. For immediate alerts, providers can send messages via text to mobile devices by checking the “SMS” box.
Tumor Board Meetings
The use of multi-disciplinary tumor board consultations ensures that cancer patients have access to the best practices for cancer management. EndoVault® Oncology offers all the latest tools to host and attend virtual tumor board meetings. Meetings can be scheduled to share patient data, images, updates, and professional insights quickly and efficiently between multi-disciplinary groups of physicians.
Patient History
Record, store, and monitor the details of a patient’s history all in one place. Patient information is added and updated all along the care process, allowing the most recent patient data to flow seamlessly into notes and reports. Patient history also logs which clinical trials patients are enrolled in, helping to assess the treatment as well as track and report adverse events based on American Cancer Society protocols.
Patient Consent
The HIPAA compliant consent management module allows providers to easily obtain informed consent from a patient or legal proxy before conducting a healthcare intervention or enrolling that person in a clinical trial. Signatures may be obtained electronically via an electronic signature pad.
Database Query Tool
EndoVault® offers an integrated, fully customizable database query tool. The tool enables providers to extract and assemble an unlimited number of queries to explore trends in cancer care and to serve as the basis for quality improvement. Providers can develop and generate reports to monitor, measure and report quality of care, develop custom reports, and create charts and graphs to illustrate statistical and key data elements. Data can be conveniently extracted in multiple formats (raw data, Excel, PDF, charts, graphs, etc.).
Audit Trail
The EndoVault® audit trail module offers a global view of all activities within the system. Every entry and all patient communications become part of the patient medical record. The audit trail module helps safeguard patient information by tracking all changes to a patient’s chart directly to the source of origin. In addition, all charted activities related to patient care may be audited for quality assurance.
Document Management
EndoVault®’s integrated document management tracks and stores all electronic documents within the application. Users can send and receive secure email & faxes, develop forms, manage consents, and advance directives and other documents directly within a patient’s chart. Also, the application can record electronic signatures for consents and discharge as well as scanning capabilities for existing hard copies.
Physician Order Entry
CPOE is the heart of EndoVault® Oncology. Creating a seamless integration between multiple modalities allows for providers to safely and efficiently order anticancer agents and associated ancillary therapies.
- Prebuilt order sets by specialty
- Automated calculation of cycle treatments
- Automated dose calculations factoring BSA, AUC, BMI, height, weight, creatinine, age, GFR, and more
- Seamless communication between all clinicians
- Standardize patient care
- Reduce medication errors
- Pre- and post-chemotherapy medications at your fingertips
- Directly communicate orders to scheduling, pharmacy, and the chemotherapy delivery department
Pharmacy Management
The pharmacy management module offers direct entry of pharmacy orders and instructions for patient treatment. Orders are communicated directly to the pharmacy department, allowing pharmacists to generate chemotherapy treatment quickly and accurately. The module ensures patients are receiving the appropriate drug(s) at the correct dosages on the correct and corresponding days while continuously monitoring the ongoing therapy.
The application also allows pharmacists to manage order sets & increase or decrease dosages based on prior or present condition and communicate changes or concerns directly with physicians through the application messaging system. Physicians’ orders are seamlessly integrated with the Medication Administration Record (MAR).
EndoVault® offers EndoVault® Rx, a fully integrated e-prescription application. The application automatically imports a patient’s medical and medication history (including active and inactive) for potential allergies and adverse drug reactions as well as checks insurance eligibility for appropriate coverage. Prescriptions and refills are routed safely and securely directly to a patient’s pharmacy. All US pharmacies and mail-order companies are included in the system. EndoVault® Rx is Surescripts® certified.
Cancer Staging
The EndoVault® cancer staging module helps providers create a complete overview of a patient’s cancer diagnosis. Specifics of a diagnosis are documented with the international standards of care by documenting the diagnosis and diagnosis subtype (ICD-10 codes), the metastasis and sites of cancer, morphology of cancer (ICD-O-3 codes), the clinical or pathological stage selection based on TNM, and the interventions performed. Selections are distinctive based on specialty, site and diagnosis. A comments section offers providers unlimited space and free expression to notate any specifics they might need to address or information for other caregivers. Any free text or expression is searchable for reporting purposes.
Cancer Registry & Reporting
The EndoVault® cancer registry & reporting module allows providers to automatically extract and report data to various cancer registries. Providers can run reports based on registry requirements and specific trends (age, geography, socioeconomic status, treatments, death rates, etc.), giving them a greater understanding and the ability to address the cancer burden more effectively. Cancer registry interfacing is available and has been tested in multiple connectathons, including IHE and ASCO.
Chemotherapy Order Sets
In EndoVault®, providers can safely and efficiently order anticancer agents and associated ancillary therapies. Orders are communicated directly to the pharmacy and chemotherapy delivery departments.
Automated dose calculation and built-in redundancies decrease human error & increase patient safety and efficiency by elevating standardization and accuracy. In addition, the system includes dosage limits for certain medications and automatically creates a log if a medication should no longer be administered (lifetime restriction), or if a patient experiences an adverse reaction.
The application automatically calculates dosage based on various parameters such as BSA, AUC, BMI, height, weight, creatinine, age, GFR, etc. as well as automating cycle and treatment date calculations.
The chemotherapy order sets are assembled by clinical specialty and powered by the industry’s most rigorous compilation of drug information.
General Orders
To further enhance a provider’s ability to deliver safe and quality oncology care, the EndoVault® orders tab offers a full set of orders including lab tests, radiology, diet, medications (inpatient), IV fluids, and more. Each order clearly indicates which provider placed the order & the history of past orders along with notes and instructions recorded at the time the order was placed.
Radiation Therapy Orders
In EndoVault®, providers can order complete radiation therapy directly from the orders tab. Radiation orders can be customized for each patient including dates, fractions, dosage, site code, modality, and technique.
Technical Features
EndoVault® understands interoperability is important and has been regularly tested in the IHE Connectathon, ASCO Connectathon and HIMSS Interoperability showcase. EndoVault® is ICD9/10, ICD-O-3 and CPT® compliant.
EndoVault® is a scalable enterprise solution that is compatible with Microsoft® SQL 2008/2012 server and has the ability to run in a Citrix® server environment. The application is Active Directory (LDAP) compliant, supports virtual servers, and is compliant with HL7 and DICOM, making EndoVault® one of the most extensive and intuitive oncology EHR solutions on the market today.
The application can read and write barcodes, RFIDs, and personal identification/insurance cards in addition to capturing HIPPA compliant electronic signatures. EndoVault® is equipped to interface with all major laboratories, pharmacies, clinical repositories, registries, and more. Fax, color & black and white scanning capabilities are standard. For providers who prefer dictation, EndoVault® is compatible with Dragon NaturallySpeaking voice recognition and provides optional transcription services that populate discrete data elements within the EHR application.
Chemotherapy & Infusion Management
EndoVault® chemotherapy management allows users to electronically document using evidence-based knowledge, facilitating informed decision making to enhance quality of care, improve patient experience, and recognize revenue.
- Manage practice through evidence-based care
- Consent, pre-procedure, intra-procedure, & post-procedure
- Custom templates & forms
- Time out questions
- Automated start & stop time
- Record vitals automatically
- Integrate with current EHR & HIS
Seamless Integration
- Lot # of medications recorded
- Arrival time & date of medications recorded
- Temperature of medications recorded
- Easy reporting of drug utilization forecasting
- Seamlessly integrated MAR
Chair Management
Well-designed scheduling is the highest priority for quality improvement. EndoVault® chair management streamlines your workflow by providing an integrated application to schedule and manage patients’ treatment plans due to limited availability of resources, ensuring the highest quality of patient care.
Intuitive Design
EndoVault® features an easy-to-use, color-coded e-calendar layout along with a user dashboard providing real-time information on workflow and workload at your fingertips. Easily track treatment plans and even resource availability such as labs, phlebotomists, pharmacists, chairs & nurses.
- Increased access to care
- Decreased wait times
- Streamlined clinic operations
- Increased patient satisfaction
- Improved quality of care
- Reduced overall costs
Time and Material Billing
Save Time! Quickly scan RFIDs/barcodes or select from a materials list to capture all items effortlessly. Create custom batch sets for materials often used together, saving time and creating standardization of care.
Integrated Charge Capture
Electronically interface with front-end schedules and back-end billing management, allowing for a seamless workflow, reduction in missed charges, and reduced human error.
Realize revenue and get paid faster with accurate time and material billing.
Track Your Resources
Transparent cost reporting and accurate demand forecasts enable needed products to be supplied for just-in-time management.
- Automatically record chair usage
- E/M coding compliant
- Increase service capacity
- Ensure charge compliance
- Expedite payments
- Eliminate errors
- Enhance productivity